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Introducing myself.

Hola! My name is Ardelia Mayang Ratri, usually they call me Ardelia or Mayang. I was born at Jakarta on December 6th 1997, and it was at afternoon at 12 PM.  Now I am 22 years old, living with my parents at Tangerang.
I had bigger brother 3 years older than me but he already passed away 9 years ago caused of heart defect from he was a baby. He born with blue skin caused lack of oxygen, his heart did not function well. My brother named Ardhi Bimo Widyarto, everyone called him Ardhi, but I have special name for him, it was “Ading”. Ardhi was a very kind heart person, humble, genius, clever, and so on. When he passed away, I felt like my half soul gone away. He cared for me, for my family, for everything he did.
Short story before his death. I was 2nd Junior High School at SMP Negeri 12 Tangerang. Everyday, he picked me up at 1 PM, and also brought some foods or toys, or maybe books for me. How could I not love him that much? He cared toooo much to me.
My brother was sick when he was 2nd Senior High School at SMA Negeri 4 Tangerang. He joined science Olympic for Banten Province and studied everyday until morning. Ardhi worked very hard to reach that Olympic, maybe till he forgot for his health. So one day, he got fever and was convulsion, directly my mother, house-maid, and my neighbor took him to hospital, then he was in critical condition, so he did not wake up for around 3 hours.
Then, my friend from church was sleeping at that time and dreamed about Ardhi was picked by someone that claimed Himself was God, it was mean our God, Jesus Christ. Ardhi was asked by Him that if he want to wake up again and live his life, he would be totally recovered from sick (bad heart quality), but if he would to join Him, he would be live with God forever without pain, sick, and live for God only (happy ever after in heaven). So, Ardhi chose to follow Him (Jesus Christ) to live at heaven with God.
 My friend did not know that my brother was hospitalized and in critical situation. It was a miracle to have such dream like that.
I have same story too with my church friend, I whispered by someone inside me that he or she told me that Ardhi would passed away and gave me support to always health without him and also accompanied my parents all day. I directly cried and sick. Then I slept around 2 hours.
At 2 AM on September 30th 2010, I woken up by my aunty and she told me that my brother was passed away, and I felt like I already knew what would happen. So. I did not cry, I did not sad anymore. I just felt happy and grateful, because I know that my brother will not sad or sick anymore, he already did the best in his life, and live happy ever after with God now.

This is my short story. Thank you for attention, and have a good day.


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